no. 6
kate bush - hounds of love

this complete masterpiece is a pearl that i can't say find the words necessary for. it reminds me of my first trip to london, oh, good times. with songs as running up that hill, cloudbusting and hounds of love, the first part of the album creates an impressive 80's pop piece, whilst the second, more subtle-sounding part of it, with songs such as and dream of sheep and waking the witch dives into the world of mysteries. really, there is no other word to describe this album with than sublime.
and oh, i can't choose a best track for this one. i just can't.

Postat av: Diana
jag tänkte höra med dig !
vad dutycker om din Mac dator, ?!
vet att du tycker bra om den, men varför?
och 13,3" är det en skärm som blir lite för liten i längden ?? och har du 2 eller 4 GB ram minne?!
osv osv osv. jobbiga program ?