ultra speed.
that is exactly how i feel my life will be going in the next coming months. ultra speed. come on, i have mock exams next week, followed by slightly more than 4 weeks of classes before i (hopefully) go home for easter break. then, there will be around 1 week more of classes, and after that the exams are just about to start. and! after 1 month of exams (not every day though), which will pass by very quickly, i am done. for ever and ever. at this place, that is to say.

i am both looking forward to it and feeling horrified over it in the same instant. in a sense, i feel like moving on from the place in itself, that is. however, i am going to miss the people. that is what is going to hurt the most. but now, when my future seems a bit more secure and pointed out, i actually feel like i can go out from here with a very calm and satisfied mind and enjoy the summer to a maximum.
this is just insane. in something like 80 days, my life as i have known it the last two years will be swept away, in an instant. never to be given back again. it is a strange realisation.
