no. 7
kent - du & jag döden

this explosion of an album was the first album i heard from kent, at least properly. the dark suggestive melody landscape and the equally haunting lyrics, once again in a symbolc swedish mindset, creates an unmatched experience. i also saw a concert from the supporting tour, turné 19. it was epic, wonderful and just generally loveable. this album gives me flashbacks.
best track: mannen i den vita hatten (16 år senare)

no. 8
kent - isola

it came in 1997. i was 7, not aware of what was happening. not until almost 10 years later, i got hold of this masterpiece and realised that it was indeed, fantastic. a lot is contained in the language, which makes it somewhat linguistically exclusive. a lot of it is in the time-specific feelings and emotions it evokes. a lot is in the zeitgeist. pre-millenium sweden with a focus on sthlm. to summarise, it is one of those albums you can go back to, again and again and again and it stays the same.
best track: 747

no. 9
the knife - deep cuts

this electro pearl incorporates the 80s synthpop and brings it into the 2000s. the knife's second album came in 2003 and still holds even today.
best track: you make me like charity

no. 10
belle & sebastian - tigermilk

this album, which came out as a masterpiece, one of the great indie treasures out there, was initially (in 1996) only given a limited release of 1000 albums. re-released in 1999, it showed to be marvellous, despite the production of it being somewhat amateurish and simple. that is what i love about it.
best track: state i'm in

no. 21 - 11
so, here is the first part of the list.
no. 21
madonna - confessions on a dancefloor
it may be modern, it may be silly, it may be whatever. nevertheless, it is wellproduced, catchy and a range of other (positive) things. additionally, it brought the disco back to the 2000s, and for that i am forever grateful.
no. 20
the killers - hot fuss
this album carries a great deal of personal value for me. however, its musical qualities by themselves justify its position here. optimism, the love for live it self, everything is contained within this album.
no. 19
m.i.a. - kala
sri lankan/british rapper/artist/visualiser/whateveryoumaycallher has here created a piece of music that incorporates so many different styles that i can't count them on one hand. thereby, she succeeds with bringing in at least equally many aspects of life as well.
no. 18
röyksopp - junior
despite being completely fresh, everything sounds nice and i anticipate it to become one of the latter part of the decade's great electronica treasures. with vocal contributions from karin dreijer andersson, robyn, lykke li and anneli drecker, this sounds very, very nice.
no. 17
madonna - ray of light
once again, madonna. now on a more personal note. this was probably the first album i got in my life, or at least the first studio album by an artist. this means that i have listened to it for over 10 years, which is enough for me to put it here. one of the great pop pieces of the 90's.
no. 16
björk - debut
this album transformed the music scene in the beginning of the 90s. with its revolutionary sound, weird details and somewhat wonderful visual design, it is too good and special not to include.
no. 15
marit bergman - baby dry your eye
wow. one of my definite favourites. marit bergman came and completely made the pop scene into one belonging solely to her. yes, you can be my soldier, marit!
no. 14
jenny wilson - love and youth
then stationed at rabid records, the home of the knife, jenny wilson had gone solo from first floor power and here created a pop masterpiece that i greatly appreciate. the simple melodies make me happy in a childish, almost silly way. still, they are thought-provokingly sophisticated and lovely.
no. 13
the cure - disintegration
robert smith may here have created his darkest piece ever. and his most beautiful, certainly. the hits from this record are many, the feelings it provokes even more. i love it.
no. 12
the cardigans - long gone before daylight
despite not being the same commercial success as its precedor, 'gran turismo', i still hold this album higher. the clean beautiful melodies, the melancholy and the nostalgia, wow. and yes, you're the storm.
no. 11
the zeigeist - the jade motel
they came, the released an album, they disappeared never to come back again. but they were good. really good. a song of theirs was once commonly believed to be a song by the knife, which says quite a deal.
my immaculate list of the 21 best albums.
in this blog, i will now devote my time to list the 21 best albums in my opinion. of course, it's going to be highly biased both in terms of personal judgement and geographical context. i will firstly list the ones from 21 - 11, thereafter i will go from 10 to 1 one by one.
happy reading!
today i had my english oral, which means that i am done with all of my IAs. for you non-ib people, IAs = internal assessment(s), which is essays in some subjects, orals in some and lab reports in some. thus, now i have nothing to do but to study for my exams, which is not something miniscule in itself, definitely not. quite the opposite. but it still feels weird that i am sitting here now after two years of intense studying with literally nothing direct and concrete to do in the sense of me having to hand something in or to correct something which is later to be handed in.

this is not to say that i don't have things to do this week either, with an economics test coming up on thursday. so, i suppose i'll study some tonight, and the rest of the week as well of course.
and! no classes tomorrow.
bye bye for now, dearest whoever you are.

le weekend pour moi.
okey, so now we're heading for the weekend. in fact, we're already in it, which is amazingly nice. tomorrow is the first village party for a veery long time, whence one can feel that it is in fact very needed. it is such a nice and somewhat necessary opprtunity to get out of campus and spend time with one's beloved in a context differing from the one of this school, even though we're talkng about a village hall not more than 3 km away.

i am now for real starting to revise for my exam, which feels nice, since it at least feels like that time is on my side. we'll see how it goes, but at the moment, all is good.
and! in 16 days sofi is coming to visit me! if she is able to find her way through all the train and boat stations, that is. and to be fair, i'm not to sure about that... but hey, that's what cell phones are for.
all for now, take care,

be my embrace now.
thanks to lukas, i have discovered a music treasure. pnau feat ladyhawke - embrace. wow. there is nothing more to say than that it is a complete dancefloor killer. i feel like i'm floating, and there are very few songs that succeed with that.

woah. flekke is sunny. i'm sensing the spring, and i love it. love love love. everything just feels so immensely much easier when one can go out and get soaked in sun instead of getting drenched by these annoying raindrops that our time mostly is occupied by (not this year though!). well well. i think that was about what i had to say this time.

today i had another trial exam, namely mathematics. wihi.
and now i'm sitting here, studying physics for tomorrow, feeling slightly exhausted and listening to random french podcasts.
high life.
ultra speed.
that is exactly how i feel my life will be going in the next coming months. ultra speed. come on, i have mock exams next week, followed by slightly more than 4 weeks of classes before i (hopefully) go home for easter break. then, there will be around 1 week more of classes, and after that the exams are just about to start. and! after 1 month of exams (not every day though), which will pass by very quickly, i am done. for ever and ever. at this place, that is to say.

i am both looking forward to it and feeling horrified over it in the same instant. in a sense, i feel like moving on from the place in itself, that is. however, i am going to miss the people. that is what is going to hurt the most. but now, when my future seems a bit more secure and pointed out, i actually feel like i can go out from here with a very calm and satisfied mind and enjoy the summer to a maximum.
this is just insane. in something like 80 days, my life as i have known it the last two years will be swept away, in an instant. never to be given back again. it is a strange realisation.