no classes.

that's true. i'll not have classes until the 9th of march, which is quite insane. but we'll have mock exams and preparations for them before that, so i presume i'll have to do anyway...

yesterday was a very interesting day. we had a world today on the israeli-palestinian conflict. one had always seen this topic as being very complex, but it was not until yesterday that i realized the complete complexity contained within it. it is i n s a n e how infected that conflict is. really. anyhow, we had a very good presentation and an afterfollowing debate with the same standard. unfortunately, i don't have any pictures of the debate, but it was good, that i can tell you.

so, now i'm going to look through all my papers in order to get some order in my corner. nice double-posting on order there. well well. oh! and tonight, it's the future party. i'm waiting for some nice music. 


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